Happy New Year , at least it is for me. Woken up from my winter slumber I am itching to get on with the summer.The weather is having a say in that, hence my late rise but having semi-retired to a location on the same line of latitude as the capital of Siberia then I am allowed a bit of a lie in.Anyway what is new with Katchet and the world of coaching products. It is always evolving and cricketers are always looking for the next gadget to help them get the edge. We seem to share this character trait with golfers, without the ridiculous dress sense. Well one change during the winter was that we have moved closer with Fusion Sports and can now be considered kind of married, and so far things have gone well, they have have not once asked us to be home before 11, to take my shoes of at the door or do the ironing!The benefit of the tie up will be seen by everyone as we look to develop the product range. With the Fusion eye for unique products wanted and loved by cricketers and there enviable design skills there could be some great additions to the range over the next couple of years.The Skyer has been the market leader for a number of years but it has come up against quite a few inferior copies which have done a job in the market. Our challenge was to improve the Skyer and to bring out some versions which would appeal to everyone who plays the game. We are working on that at the moment and I am confident you will see a full range, each product performing a specific role.
There could well be a New Multi-stump as well. We have been trialling one over the last 12 months and there is a demand for this. Sorry to be so vague but when it is available you will hear about it first. Well it will be after the International teams, retailers and my parents but otherwise you will be first.
Excitingly, development has started on a new Katchet. Son of Papa was born over the winter and initial trials were encouraging. It does not yet do exactly what we want but when it does we believe it will be a great new product for the gadget hungry cricketer. We are certainly not giving to much away on this front and more updates will follow.
I always like to hear about what coaches are doing and using to add benefit to practice so if you have any comments please let me know.
Papa K
There could well be a New Multi-stump as well. We have been trialling one over the last 12 months and there is a demand for this. Sorry to be so vague but when it is available you will hear about it first. Well it will be after the International teams, retailers and my parents but otherwise you will be first.
Excitingly, development has started on a new Katchet. Son of Papa was born over the winter and initial trials were encouraging. It does not yet do exactly what we want but when it does we believe it will be a great new product for the gadget hungry cricketer. We are certainly not giving to much away on this front and more updates will follow.
I always like to hear about what coaches are doing and using to add benefit to practice so if you have any comments please let me know.
Papa K